Saturday 26 April 2008

Mariah Carey wants a famous partner

Mariah Carey wants a famous partner

Singer Mariah Carey has revealed that she prefers to date famous men, because they are more likely to "fully understand" her.
The singer told Allure magazine that she wants to find a partner who understands the world of celebrity.
Carey said: "That's a big deal for me - feeling like somebody else can't fully understand me because they're not in showbusiness."
"It shouldn't matter, but it does, because the energy it takes to be 'on' is a lot."
The singer also revealed that she is looking for "someone who I would know is going to take care of me emotionally, they're going to understand who I am".
Speaking about her fans, she said: "What's weird about that is being onstage, and the love that you get, and the adoration that you feel from your real fans. It's hard for a partner to compete - just imagine."