Monday 16 June 2008

Angelina Jolie Premature Birth Claims Explained

The false reports from last week stating that Angelina Jolie had given birth were the result of an impostor who pretended to be her assistant Holly Goline, according the star’s lawyers.

Two false alarms on Friday sent the media into a spin, with one outlet even claiming she had delivered two baby girls and named them Isla Marcheline and Amelie Jane, honouring Jolie's late mother Marcheline and her partner Brad Pitt's mum Jane.

But, according to internet gossips, the confusion was sparked by a woman who has been sending out fake information to the media pretending to be Goline.

It's alleged the impostor used a bogus BlackBerry email address to send out incorrect press releases in an attempt to dupe the media - and has been doing so for the last year.

Now, Jolie's attorneys at law firm Lavely & Singer are said to be circulating a letter among entertainment news outlets to explain the situation.

The letter reportedly reads: "A random individual has engaged in a scheme to intentionally harm my client and deceive her fans, the public and the media through illegal and tortuous impersonation of Ms Jolie's long-time assistant, Holly.

"The individual who claims to be, and to whom the media has relied upon as, a 'reliable source' is not my client's assistant, nor does the email address belong to my client's assistant."